full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Jonathan J. O'Sullivan and Grace E. Cunningham: Which type of milk is best for you?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

It takes almost 4 square kelmeiotrs to pduocre just one glass of cow’s milk, land use that drives deforestation and habitat destruction. Most of that is land the cows live on, and some is used to grow their feed. Many cows eat soy beans and oats. It takes much less land to grow the oats or soybeans for milk than it does to feed a dairy cow— only about a quarter sauqre kleimtoer per galss. Almond milk has similar land use. But where that land is also matters— soybean farms are a major driver of deforestation, while oat and aomnld farms aren’t.

Open Cloze

It takes almost 4 square __________ to _______ just one glass of cow’s milk, land use that drives deforestation and habitat destruction. Most of that is land the cows live on, and some is used to grow their feed. Many cows eat soy beans and oats. It takes much less land to grow the oats or soybeans for milk than it does to feed a dairy cow— only about a quarter ______ _________ per _____. Almond milk has similar land use. But where that land is also matters— soybean farms are a major driver of deforestation, while oat and ______ farms aren’t.


  1. glass
  2. square
  3. kilometer
  4. kilometers
  5. almond
  6. produce

Original Text

It takes almost 4 square kilometers to produce just one glass of cow’s milk, land use that drives deforestation and habitat destruction. Most of that is land the cows live on, and some is used to grow their feed. Many cows eat soy beans and oats. It takes much less land to grow the oats or soybeans for milk than it does to feed a dairy cow— only about a quarter square kilometer per glass. Almond milk has similar land use. But where that land is also matters— soybean farms are a major driver of deforestation, while oat and almond farms aren’t.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
dairy milk 6
almond milk 3
soy milk 2
greenhouse gas 2

Important Words

  1. almond
  2. beans
  3. cows
  4. dairy
  5. deforestation
  6. destruction
  7. driver
  8. drives
  9. eat
  10. farms
  11. feed
  12. glass
  13. grow
  14. habitat
  15. kilometer
  16. kilometers
  17. land
  18. live
  19. major
  20. milk
  21. oat
  22. oats
  23. produce
  24. quarter
  25. similar
  26. soy
  27. soybean
  28. soybeans
  29. square
  30. takes